Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The road time forgot...slow down!!

I made the trip to Gainesville this past weekend to the annual race put on by the University of Florida students. You can find the race report on our Lindner Capital blog.

To make the trip I went down US 301 that runs though the middle of our state. I think it used to be a main route before I95 & I75 were completed. It's sort of the road time forgot. It's filled with run down or abandoned motels and cities that make their living off of speeders going 1 mph over the limit. If I remember correctly, I think I heard that there are only 2 places in the country that AAA still labels as speed traps, and they are both on US 301 and only a few miles apart...Get R Dun...

Here are a few pictures I took along the way...

Oh good, there's still vacancy...

Fixer upper, cheap...

The first "trap" you hit heading South on US 301...

...the second...

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